Sunday, January 22, 2012

Showing My Gratitude

I had wanted to get this Blog going a lot sooner then this and then just be able to post each day my gratitude photos but things haven't quite worked out like that. It's funny because I feel like I have so many projects that I would like to get done and less and less time to do them. I think it's because of so many of the other stuff going on. That's what makes this even more important. To help keep my focus on what I am grateful for. And there is so much. There really is. So here it is. I am catching up on getting things posted and loaded. I really hope that this turns out to be the blog that I want it to be. I am sure it will evolve but here's where things start. I also hope that my gratitudes, and those of others, help inspire you and even nudge you to think of the things that you are grateful for as well.

Now I'm not sure what happened between the 6th and the 15th but I can't find any pictures anywhere. So there is a gap. There have been times when I not always written on my gratitude board and written in my gratitude journal instead. But 2012 I had decided that I would try to write on it every day. Occasionally a day will get missed but my goal really is to have even just ONE thing written every day. On the days that I write less, well.... those might be very bad days for me indeed. But I as I said, I want to write at least one thing, even on my most horrible days.

I haven't loaded yesterday's or today's photo's yet. I will be adding them in my next entry. I wanted to get at least current up to the present. I hope that you will go on this journey with me... a journey of gratitude.


Angela Smith said...

This is wonderful, Robin.I am glad to see you on the path to healing. I am so proud of you and the things you have accomplished in your life and you should be too. You are an amazing person with a lot of love around you.

mitchell said...

It was very nice and I think its a great idea to put your daily goals up and blog it, it is very smart and i might steal it =)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing Robin. It's exciting to see your journey blossoming into positive things. :-)

Robin Padilla said...

Angela- Thank you, you words are kind and I am grateful indeed for your words and encouragement.

Robin Padilla said...

Mitchell- Please DO steal it. There is nothing better then passing it on and it would be a wonderful thing. If we can get the world to focus more on gratitude then we can change the world for the better. Away from selfish thinking to those directed at what we have been given and blessed with.

Robin Padilla said...

Tracie- Thank you so much for your feedback. Your encouragement means a lot to me.